School Uniform
Have you purchased your uniform yet?
Branded uniform can be purchased from Kids Essentials based in Northfield. Other items of school uniform may be purchased from supermarkets or other clothes shops.
Parents may choose to purchase non-branded uniform from supermarkets or other clothes shops. We do not have a separate summer and winter uniform, parents should ensure their children are appropriately dressed for the time of year.
Uniform requirements
- Green jumper with or without school badge
- White school shirt / blouse with buttons / plain yellow polo shirt
- Grey trousers / skirts / dresses / shorts or green checked school dresses
- Flat black shoes or trainers (trainers should not have a visible logo).
- Optional school tie (available from the school Office)
- Book bag and PE bag
- Water bottle
PE requirements
- White PE polo shirt
- Black shorts or jogging bottoms
- Black trainers or plimsols
At Wychall, some children will wear a different uniform due to their role in school. These include the Wychall Super Safeguarding Kids and Sports Ambassadors.
Further information regarding these uniforms will be provided to individual parents, as and when appropriate.
Wychall Primary School offers a uniform swap shop so that outgrown uniforms can be shared with others.